Payment in advance
You pay in advance by bank transfer to our bank account.
Electronic payment by PayPal or Credit Card
If you have selected the "PayPal" or "Credit Card" payment option, you will be billed for the fees incurred. You will receive your payment link in the order confirmation.
Payment fees
Germany / EU-countries | Payment from other countries | |
Bank transfer | free of charge | free of charge |
PayPal | plus 2,5 % | plus 5% |
Credit Card | plus 1,9 % | plus 2,9 % |
Bank details
For security reasons, you will not find our bank details on our website. The total price and the bank details will be sent to you with the order confirmation.
The shipping costs for DHL standard shipping are calculated according to the delivery zone and the weight of your delivery. You will see the respective costs incurred before completing your order.
There are currently additional crisis surcharges for some countries outside the EU. We check the shipping costs estimated by the shop after the order has been received and take the crisis surcharges into account manually. You can see the total costs for the transport in the order confirmation. DHL provides information on crisis surcharges and current impairments worldwide on this page:
DHL Express
If you would like to receive the delivery in just a few days, you can select DHL Express. The price for DHL Express is not marked in the checkout, as the shipping costs can only be determined once the package has been packed. Dimensions and exact weight are required for pricing. We manually add the actual costs to the order, which can be 2-4 times the standard shipping rate.
Pick up
You would like to collect the goods from us yourself, or you can arrange collection by a shipping service provider of your choice. In this case we will not charge you any shipping fees. Please make an appointment for collection with our shipping team.